Contact Me for a Free Site Consultation If you’re looking for a good software program to build, upgrade or more easily manage your school or district web sites, I’d recommend you seriously consider Schoolwires, a feature-rich content management system designed especially for schools. I am an independent web consultant who Of all the software I evaluated, Schoolwires was the most impressive package I found for its features, its design flexibilty, and its price. My first school site was featured on the front page of the Schoolwires national newsletter, Success Matters, for its “creative use of Schoolwires”. I’ve since helped other schools and districts and have found the program to be a very powerful, flexible tool for creating and managing school sites. The program makes it easy to regularly update a site, and for teachers to create and manage their own pages. In addition, based on my experience, I’ve found the company has responsive tech support staff and is very committed to evolving the product, providing frequent upgrades. Schoolwires’ many features and modules make it a powerful program. But that also means the program is somewhat complex, with a learning curve to understand how to use its features most effectively. In addition, ensuring proper implementation at all levels — from district, to local schools, to teachers and staff — takes considerable time for planning, training and coordination. Plus, creating a good site design takes additional work. As an experienced, independent Schoolwires site developer, I can work with you through the implementation process to help you streamline the creation of your new sites, avoid common mistakes, and incorporate best practices from other schools. Schoolwires staff is able to offer only limited assistance. And my rates are less expensive than theirs for comparable services. Here are some of the ways I have helped others and may be of help to you:
TESTIMONIALS “Your experience and steady hand have been of enormous help in creating our Schoolwires sites. Thank you for the trainings, the site design work, guidance during implementation, and all of your essential support. I don’t know how we could have done this without you.” “I have heard only very positive things about our new website — both from parents and educators. They like the look and feel and the ease of navigation. Folks have said that they can get a real ‘feel’ for the school by looking at the website (which is, of course, the purpose). Great job. Thanks!” “Thanks for all you help on this project. Our community really likes the changes and information. Teachers like the ability to have a web page and begin using it. Overall, positive!” Addtional references and other testimonials available upon request
I discovered Schoolwires when I was evaluating content management software for Park Day School, where my wife works. The school was looking to upgrade its existing web site with a better design and to make it easier for staff and teachers to update. I found the software to be so helpful that I’ve since devoted a major portion of my web business to working with other schools and districts. Contact Me for a Free Site Consultation I would be happy to provide you a free initial consultation to discuss Most of my work with you can be done by phone and email. Steve Ladd :: 925-254-2052 :: |